Top Things to do in Austin

Everybody is coming to Austin. At first it was everyone from California seeking respite from their self-created wasteland. Then it was New Yorkers coming to escape the hustle and bustle. Finally, it was the midwesterners, looking for a bit more creativity and action. Now, it’s the globe. Austin has become one of the world’s top tourist destinations.
In the 1920s it was all about the great writers of the world moving to Paris. Then in the 1960s every starlet and leading man found themselves in LA for the post World War II boom. Now, in the age of modern media, everyone is coming to Austin.
You’re coming here now. Well, what are you going to do once you get here?
1. First things First: Check out the Capital

Taking a walk around is the first thing you should do in every city. You just got off the plane or you just stepped out of the car after 12 hours of screaming kids and rest stops. Just take a breath, and take a walk. Look around.
Austin is the capital of our great state of Texas. The Capitol building sits at the center of downtown. It’s open from 9am-8pm everyday. Stop in, take a tour, and admire the architecture. Every new apartment building that’s being built here looks like Michael Bay designed it while thinking “I wonder if a Prison had more mirrors and glass windows”. Enjoy a taste of artistry at the Capitol. The building, which stands at 302 feet tall, was designed by Elijah E. Myers in the late 19th century.
Next: Cowboy Up

You probably arrived with a nice outfit for going out, something casual, maybe some sneakers. It ain’t going to cut in here in Austin. You’re here, might as well dress the part.
Start from the ground up. The first thing you’re going to need is a fine pair of cowboy boots. You’re going to get those at Chisos Boots. There are a lot of imitators in this city claiming to make cowboy boots when really they’re making plastic shaped to look like a cowboy boot. You’re going to want to avoid those guys.
Next up you’ll need a pair of Wrangler Jeans and a personally shaped cowboy hat. You’ll get those down at Cavender’s. Now that you’re cowboyed up, it’s time to hit a Honky Tonk.
2. Enjoy a Honky Tonkin’ Time

(I’m going to do something that they taught us to do in Middle School. I am sorry) The Websters Dictionary defines Honky Tonk as “A cheap and disreputable bar, club, or dance hall, typically where Country Music is played”
Sounds like a fun place to me. You’ve got your Cowboy Gear, you’ve got the energy of the city buzzing through your veins… it’s time to dance.
You’re going to want to go to one of two places: The Broken Spoke, or The White Horse. Live music, a dancefloor, drink prices that will make you say “Honestly, that’s a good deal.” All the greats have stopped through. Willie Nelson, George Strait, even George Bush (probably) have all graced the stages of these two Tonks.
3. Continue the tradition of Classic American Diners

The Diner is dying across America but it is alive and well in Austin. Ceramic cups, black coffee, locally sourced eggs and bacon. Counter Cafe is the place to go if you’re looking for a good old country breakfast.
Or maybe you’re looking for something a bit more… instagramable. 24 Diner is your place. Guy Fieri’s been there so you know it’s good. At 24 Diner you’ll find specialties like Chicken and Waffles. If you’re feeling fancy, get yourself a slice of Kentucky Bourbon Pie.
4. Barton Springs

Barton Springs is a spring-fed oasis that’s only a mile from downtown. Think three olympic swimming pools one after another surrounded by a lush lawn populated by all walks of Austin.
Take a swim. Sit in the sun. Be reminded that it’s legal to be topless in Austin.
If you’re looking for more action after lying in the sun, you’re right by the Lady Bird Hike and Bike Trail: 10 miles of manicured trails. Who knows who you might see? You know those Instagram motivational video of someone running through nature with a scenic city skyline in the background? They were probably on Lady Bird Trail.
Looking for a little bit of that Lake Life? Austin is a short drive to Lake Travis. Yes, Lake Travis is an actual lake. Think boats, jet-skis, pretty ladies hanging out with old guys.
5. Indulge in the Comedy Capital of the World

If you hadn’t heard, Austin is now the comedy capital of the world. There are 6 amazing comedy clubs in downtown Austin.
Comedy Mothership is the big kahuna. Joe Rogan moved here a few years back, and created the greatest comedy club the world has ever seen. Buy tickets ahead of time, or be prepared to stand in line for hours.
Can’t get into the Mothership? Check out Sunset Strip ATX, the club started by Rogan’s original producer, Brian Redban. There’s also Creek and the Cave right down the street. The former New York club rode the wave down to Austin and is now the hangout spot for comics in Austin. Grab a show, or head on to their back patio to have a drink. You’ll be greeted by a horde of open micers, as well as some pop-in celebrities.
Hanging out in East Austin? Check out Rozco’s Comedy Club, or the Comic-run East Austin Comedy Club.
Looking for a peak at what Austin Comedy used to be like before the big wave? Check out the Velveeta Room on 6th street. Velvet Curtains, a tight stage, and some of Austin’s greatest comics are waiting for you.
6. Eat BBQ. Yes. We have BBQ.

As John Mayer famously said after a trip to Terry Black’s “Your Brisket is a Wonderland”.
Terry Black’s is the spot. High-quality barbecue, a litany of sides, cold single serve brews to grab while you wait in line. There’s seating inside, or large picnic tables outside. Get some beef ribs.
If you’re willing to stand in line for a few hours, the best rated spot in the city is Franklin’s over on the East Side.
Looking for something a bit more adventurous? Check out KG Barbecue. It’s Egyptian Barbecue and it’s unbelievable. It’s still just a food truck at the back of Oddwood Brewing, but it won’t be for long. You aren’t going to find Smoked Lamb Chops anywhere else.
7.See the Bats on Congress Bridge

In 1980, the Congress Bridge was renovated, unintentionally creating the perfect habitat for bats. Each night, hundreds line the railings of the Congress bridge to watch as swarms of bats flock out looking for their dinner. Austin is right on the water, but the bugs are never that bad thanks to our Bat Friends. Stop by the Congress Bridge at dusk to show your thanks to our flying compatriots.
8.The Blanton Art Museum
The Blanton Art Museum at The University of Texas boasts a collection that ranges from Renaissance Paintings to Modern works. If you’re looking to add a bit more culture to your Texas trip, check out The Blanton Art Museum.
9. The Library?

The downtown Branch of the Austin Public Library is one of the greatest public libraries in the country. 500,000 books are encased by sky high glass windows overlooking the city. There’s an open rooftop filled with tables and chairs where you can read with a beautiful view of downtown and lady bird lake.
10. Let a local show you Around

If you’re hungry for more than just BBQ, and looking for a little background on what makes Austin Austin, then check out a tour! There are local companies with specialized tours focused on the cities history, its best restaurants, there’s even a ghost tour!
You’re Welcome to Stay

Austin is currently the fastest growing metro-area in the country. Whether or not the old-timers like it, Austin is going to keep growing. You had your trip, you loved it, you’re planning your move. We’re happy to have you, just make sure to behave yourself.
Austin’s culture is changing, and we want to make sure it ends up in a good place. Austin is the intersection of the traditional values of hard-work and craftsman with modern artistic creativity. We’re a blue city in a red state. We’re being inundated with money and resources. Each one of us gets to play a role in the further development of this city. Do you want to build a business? Are you looking for a place to network with creatives? Are you searching for a place to settle down and raise a family?
Austin has something for everyone. Just make sure to give a little more than you take.