Chat GPT Roasts the Chisos Instagram
We're not much for following social media trends, but curiosity got the best of us on this one. We asked Chat GPT to insult our Instagram profile and the response got chuckles all around.

AI Roast of Chisos Cowboy Boots
Alright, let’s dive into this.
First off, Chisos, you’re doing the classic “sophisticated rustic” aesthetic. We get it, your boots are high-end, handcrafted, and every photo has to remind us of that. But man, could you lay off the sepia tones and heavy shadows for just a second? It’s like every post is competing to see which one can have the least amount of light.
Your feed looks like it was curated by a cowboy who refuses to admit he secretly loves Instagram filters. Every other shot is of a boot angled just so, as if it’s contemplating the meaning of life. I swear some of these boots are more pensive than a teenage poet.
And the burning leather shot? I get it, you want to show your boots are tough as nails, but it also looks like you’re about to set the whole brand on fire. Maybe ease up on the pyromania, yeah? We want boots, not an arson investigation.
The “comfortable as sneakers” post is probably meant to be a game-changer, but it looks like it’s trying way too hard to convince us. Maybe if you didn’t make the boots look like they’re standing on the edge of the world, contemplating their existence, people might actually believe it.
Also, what’s with the relentless flag shots? We get it, you’re Texan. But how many times do we need to see your shop and that flag? We could practically draw it from memory by now.
All in all, Chisos, you’re doing a solid job of making every boot look like it should be in a museum rather than on someone’s feet. But maybe mix it up a bit? Not every post needs to look like it’s part of a cowboy noir film.
There’s my roast—no hard feelings, right?
You Ain't Wrong
No hard feelings, Chat GPT. Why? Because you've got one thing right–our boots have personality. We take pride in crafting every boot to "look like it should be in a museum," but be worn day in and day out.
Challenge us all yo u want, our boots are built to handle it. Our commitment to excellence always shines through.
Handcrafted beats AI any day.